A couple years ago after an incredible 17 feet of snow at 4000 feet here on the West Slope, I had to have, nay build a TC and tractor shed. This year it seems I could have waited and not been a slave to the extreme wet/snowy weather. Yes, it is dry. As dry as ever, I'm told. But as a man once said, "This too shall pass." He was asked to develop a phrase that would both comfort the afflicted and chasten the proud.
Close by several wells have failed, luckily not on our underground 'river'.
Remember: the most you can expect from the weather is change.
In 1976-77 in So. Cal. we had a terrible drought. All the weather pundants were wringing their hands and saying, "Oh, this is SO serious. We'll never recover." By 1978 it was all made up in a few months. In one day, a friend of mine was washed right out of his home in trail cyn. in the San Gabriels with an astonishing 26 inches of rain that day! And they were still seeding the clouds as his house went down Trail Creek. He climbed a huge oak tree with his priceless Stradavari Cello and rode out the night. The trash racks failed. The dams failed. Miles of road washed completely out. He found his yellow Jaguar, wheels up, only the rear axle showing, two years and 2 miles down stream later.
Yep, change is a-comin', one way or t'other.