While So. Cal. has not been to badly bashed in this thread, all of CAL seems to be accused of using too much water. I just sent my Bro in No. Cal. several articles regarding water usage in Cal so I can't quote them but it is well know that No. Cal. including our state capital uses three times the water per capita as So Cal. We sort of discount the water used by the central valley as it feeds most of the USA.
We in Los Angeles were told to reduce our water consumption by 20% about four years ago. It was voluntary but our Mayor and City Council raised our rates dramatically, if you used more than 80% of the preceding year. We were gone for ten weeks in the fall and our bill was higher than it had ever been during one single month. It turned out there was a defective sprinkler valve on our hillside and the water ran for a couple of days. Our water bill went up over a hundred dollars more than the preceding month.