I don't mind seeing bycycles on the road. I do mind when they ride in the middle of the road and hold up traffic. I had to follow a group of them last summer along the Oregon coast at a grand speed of 5 mph with about 50-60 cars behind them They were riding two abreast and were loaded. I was third or fourth in line and a couple of folks in front of me tooted, not layed on them, their horns and a couple of the back riders held up a finger. When we finally hit the top of the hill, instead of pulling over and letting traffic go by, they hunkered down over their handle bars and bombed down the hill, then climbed up the other side w/o stopping. At the top of that hill was an Oregon state policeman pulling them all over. Don't know what happened after that, but we were finally able to get on with our trip.
I have seen a lot of courteous bikers along the road that stay to the right and stop if they're holding up traffic, BUT I have seen a bunch that are real A** holes on the road too.