Forum Discussion

aerbus32's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 07, 2016

Cal's 1, RV's & bicyclists

Getting to the time of year where people are going to start asking about RV's on Highway 1 in North & Central California. Thought I'd share a conversation from last Tuesday night. After dinner in NOLA, we took a pedicab back to our hotel. Young lady pedaling it was pretty jazzed when I shared that I was an 'old dude cyclist' from So Cal. She shared that she had recently biked from Portland to San Diego via 1. She asked if it were true that she had to get off the road to allow vehicles to pass as passing motorists kept angrily yelling at her. Absolutely not. My understanding of the law is that bicyclists in Cal have the right of way & must be given a minimum of a 3' clearance when passing them. I bike a great deal, but would never on many parts of 1. Nor would I take our 37' Class A towing a Honda.
  • I completely agree with you having done HWY 1 north of San Francisco to Oregon. We were towing a 21 ft. TT and that was MORE than enough for us.
    ...and bicycle riders made it even more dangerous for us and for them.

    Absolutely Beautiful...but not for the faint of heart. Very narrow, very curvy, lots of 1000' shear cliffs, and very windy.

  • We come upon many bicyclists along 101 in both Oregon and California. Most of the time there is enough room to pass without maneuvering around. But certain situations require us to slow down and wait to pass by safely entering the next lane over. The only time I would hope a bicyclist would stop and pull over is if they were creating a safety issue with vehicles backed up without a way to get by.

    In California, we see signs all the time about sharing the road with bicyclists.