Ever use a card to purchase -anything- in Mexico, and three days later see 1,455 in charges in Zapopan, Jalisco? Ya know, it sorta takes the bloom off a vacation rose...
It wasn't the missing money, VISA made it good. It was the loss of use of the card. That, to put it mildly, screwed me. Oh yeah it happened in a Quali rated gasolinera on Mex 14-D outside Morelia. I had run out of cash and wanted to use the Bank in Morelia, when the gas gauge started acting up. I looked at the gauge and it was a needle's width from E.
I challenged the risk/benefit ratio and lost. Has nothing at all to do with being "smart". Especially when the fill-up in Morelia revealed I still had half a tank's worth of fuel. Bad gauge ground connection.
Oh I forgot to mention the dozen or two phone calls to the USA. The time lost.