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Jenanne's avatar
May 22, 2018

drive from Custer SD to Lake McConaughy NE can we?

We have a 40 ft RV with tow, driving from Custer SD next week down to Lake McConaughy (stopping on way to kansas city). would prefer scenic route..GPS has us going 385 (thru Allaince NE) to 26..has anyone been on the more scenic route: turn at CHaldron onto 20, then south on 27, then west on Hwy 2 (part of sandhill scenic route) then south 61 coming in north of Lak McConaughy?
  • I have lived in NE almost all of my life and driven all of the roads mentioned. If you are wanting to stay at Lake Mac, you need to know that all of the campgrounds can be accessed from the north side of the lake off of hiway 92. Take 26 from Alliance and just past Lewellen look for NE 92. If you are hitting the lake on the weekend, sites can be hard to come by. We spend time there every year and Lone Eagle is a nice campground right on the lake. If you are wanting to bypass the lake take hiway 2 at Alliance to Broken Bow and Grand Island. This is the most direct route to KC. Fuel is much easier to find that way at Thedford, BB, GI etc.
  • We drove that way 20 years ago. Roads were good two lane but there weren't many gas stations and the ones they had were tight getting in and out for a 24ft TT.
  • Last August after visiting the Blackhills, (My Trip Report) I migrated down to Hot Springs and toured the Mammoth Site, then headed to Chadron and toured the Museum of the Fur Trade (I highly recommend both) and then back into Chadron and south on 385 to 7E and over to 87 south and stayed the night just north of Alliance for the eclipse the next day. After that was over I went on into Alliance and turned left on NE 2 and drove all the way to Grand Island, and I-80 then caught up with NE 2 again (it actually runs with the interstate between GI and Lincoln.) and followed 2 to Nebraska City and I-29.

    That route I can attest to. Fuel is not hard to find on 2, and I stayed at the Nebraska Nat Forest at Halsey on NE 2 that night.

    There is a large Wal-Mart in Chadron and several places to fuel up, which I did after visiting the Museum of the Fur Trade, and the next day after heading east on 2 I stopped at Hyannis at a gas station just to get some crackers, and later at Thedford at a large gas station where I bought diesel.

  • RAS43's avatar
    Explorer III
    I travel from the east (Mullen) on 2 and 61 every year with a 5th wheel and boat combo. They are good 2 lane roads and easy to travel on. The scenery is typical sand hills if you like that. Most towns are small and fuel is scarce. There is a truck stop at the junction of 2 and 61 but nothing south of there until Ogallala.
  • We travel that way a least twice a year in a 43ft motorhome pulling a jeep. We usually take 385 to 26 and catch I80 at Ogallala because it is a nice road. This route will take you past some of the rougher countryside out west by Bridgeport and takes you near Lake McConaughy near Ogallala. We have taken hwy 2 in the past also. Hwy 2 takes you through the sandhills of western Nebraska and many small unincorporated towns, but watch your gas because filling stations are far and few between.
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    Once in Nebraska, life got very boring! We were warned how boring it would be, but didn't believe it. Mile after mile and nothing but flat land and fields. Did I say, it was a boring drive all the way through Nebraska?

    You also could have turned right and been bored in Wyoming. That I-80 cuts through the most lackluster parts of some beautiful states.
  • Last year 4th of July vacation we went to Custer, SD. On our return home, we traveled 385 all the way to I-80 in Nebraska. Then turned East on I-80 and headed for Indiana.

    We had no problems at all navigating 385, and it was a great ride! And we tow a 35.5 foot travel trailer.

    Once in Nebraska, life got very boring! We were warned how boring it would be, but didn't believe it. Mile after mile and nothing but flat land and fields. Did I say, it was a boring drive all the way through Nebraska?