Forum Discussion

Dec 16, 2018

Honey Scams

To avoid bottles of diluted honey, simply flip them upside down. The bubble inside will slowly slowly rise.

As I am now honey producer (Haden Mango) my beekeeper taught me this trick to show customers that my 200 lbs a year honey is undiluted.

Next time you are surrounded by an assortment of honey in a supermarket see if you can spot the "ringers". Pure honey never varies.

Wholesale white sugar is cheap in Mexico and a fifty Kg sack dumped into 20 liters of boiling water makes a sweet syrup. Except for the telltale bubble rise. Not even La Madrilena syrup can fool the bubble.

Rodside stands may have bottles with honeycomb included. But again the bubble is the polygraph.

And I have found far too many bottles of doctored honey in the USA for it to be an accident.

And sad but true Mango honey is nothing special. It, clover and orange blossom honey are fine honey's. But ordinary (excellent).

Wild honey collected in the (true) desert is dark and has a richer flavor). Russian Thistle honey is fabulous and bee honey gatherers are well aware of it.

Make lemonade with Madrilena surgar cane syrup and gaseous mineral water. Heaven!

My orchard now has 8 cajas de colmenas de abejas (bee hive boxes).

And an expert services the hives. He is on the lookout for an Africanized Queen. So far so good. When bees get ready to swarm he has a nice hotel already set up for them fifty feet away with lots of drinking water. I have placed my hand three feet away from a swarm and the bees took no interest.