Forum Discussion

BurbMan's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 26, 2014

How is I-75 in Ohio?

Heading from Cincinnati up to Toledo (Maumee Bay State Park) next week. Google maps shows a lot of construction. I remember the last time I went up that way the traffic was horrible and the road was no bargain either.

The fastest way for me is I-71 from Louisville to Cincy then up I-75, but if 75 is in bad shape it's not much further to take I-65 up to Indy then I-69 up through Ft Wayne. I was just on 65 this week and most of the construction down by Scottsburg is done but it's all torn up by 465 now...

Any info appreciated.
  • Be aware that there is a traffic satefy program going on I-75 all states to prevent speeding. May still be going on Thursday. Last week there were numerous radars in TN, Kentucky and Ohio. Also the construction through downtown Dayton can cause delays during rush hour.
  • Thanks to all, I am headed out Thursday morning so hopefully will miss the rush hour traffic.
  • Native Cincinnatian and retired Actuary (math freak) here. As part of a project we found that Greater Cincinnati is the population center of the country. Cincinnati itself isn't that large population-wise, but countrywide there are roughly the same number of people living north, south, east and west of us. As a consequence, I-71, I-75 and I-74 go thru Cincinnati and are tied together by I-275, often called the circle freeway.
    So the answer is its busy, and a lot of the traffic is big semis. The weight of the semis turns cracks into holes. Cincinnati only has two seasons. Winter and Construction.
    If you have kids, you can keep them busy writing down the state names on the different license plates or counting orange barrels. :)
  • The Dayton bypass is 675 and has construction as well but it does maintain 2 lanes with few slow downs.
  • I went from Dayton to Detroit about a month ago, I think they are growing orange cones on all the interstates this summer. We had back-ups and traffic congestion sporadically on I 75. Don't be in a hurry and it will be fine.
  • We came south from Toledo to Ky on I-75 last week, and except for construction on about a 30 mile section south of Toledo followed by construction through Dayton, and then the section in Cincinnati, it wasn't bad. Lane restrictions all over the place and very rough pavement, but it didn't really delay us much. Maybe 475 in Dayton would have been better, but we didn't try it. Good luck.
  • You can bypass the construction on I 75 in Dayton by taking I 475 around the east side. You need to take I70 West to get back on 75. I can thru there this last Wed and there was a total shut down in Dayton. I went on surface streets to by pass it but I used to work in Dayton so I was familiar to them. That was the only slow down we had from north of Cincinnati to exit 110.
  • 75 construction through Dayton seems to change daily and can back up during peak hours.

    You do not want to do 65, it is very slow and often a parking lot for most of the way between Louisville & Indy. Just north of Columbus IN is the worst choke point.