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NMDriver2's avatar
May 04, 2018

I-10 in El Paso closed 4-6 May and 11-14 May

Radio announced the closure from 2100 Friday 4 May to 0600 Monday 7 May of I-10 in El Paso, TX. Work on the Sunland Park area. Another Closure will be on May 11-14th with the same hours. Seek alternate routes.

Use TX 375 by pass or NM 404 to War road and US 54
  • Went through it last weekend - it was closed E & W/bound- and the routing around the problem was simple, easy for someone not familiar with the area to follow and equally easy to do with a motor home and toad. I think it is supposed to be closed for 3 weekends in a row. NBD.
  • They were doing weekend closing last fall. EB one weekend, WB the next. There is some major project they are working on.
  • For those of you not familiar with El Paso, Sunland Park is around MM 12 or 13. If you are coming from the west take the Anthony exit in New Mexico and go through the gap on NM 404 or go over the hills on Transmountain.

    From the east take Loop 375 at America's.
  • Jay Pat wrote:
    azdryheat wrote:
    They're going to shut down a major interstate for the weekend? Where's all that traffic supposed to go?

    Probably, the frontage road and the loop to the north.
    And traffic will backup.......

    Unfortunately, there is no frontage road on that stretch through Sunland Park. They've been shunting traffic off on side streets in a rather lengthy detour. My sister and BIL got stuck for over an hour recently coming back from a concert in downtown El Paso (lives in Las Cruces). We ALWAYS use 404/Anthony Gap, anyway, so not a big deal for us.

  • azdryheat wrote:
    They're going to shut down a major interstate for the weekend? Where's all that traffic supposed to go?

    Probably, the frontage road and the loop to the north.
    And traffic will backup.......
  • AS mentioned TX 375 or NM 404 for through traffic. You can use the frontage road detour but expect a long traffic jam.
  • They're going to shut down a major interstate for the weekend? Where's all that traffic supposed to go?