Forum Discussion

ekirkland's avatar
Feb 04, 2016

I-20 or I-40 from Alabama to Santa Fe, NM?

Its been awhile since I've traveled these highways; which is better? I'll be pulling a 30' TT. According to Google Maps the mileage is nearly the same.
  • USAFBILL wrote:
    I always run I-20 on my winter trips to Arizona. Weather is always a factor when considering I-40. Good Luck


    Plus I-20 gets less freezing/thawing than I-40, it may be in better shape.
  • I always run I-20 on my winter trips to Arizona. Weather is always a factor when considering I-40. Good Luck
  • Both about same, 40 has construction im memphis (or did 2 summers ago), 20 you have to deal with dallas/ft worth area. 40 it is ok city but its an easy pass thru.

    It really makes no difference and will depend on when you plan to make the trip.

    20 will require a drive north from el paso, 40 will require a 100 mile trip north from albuqurque. and they were having some road work there also.
  • Depends on where you are headed, we usually take I-20 to west of Dallas and get on US 287 there to northern Amarillo/New Mexico. You can hang a right there and go up into CO or get on I-40 to go west to AZ and/or CA.