OverNightSensation wrote:
We're heading out to Richfield, Utah area in a couple months. I'm wondering which road is in better shape, I-70 or I-80? It's only about 100 mile difference. I planing on I-70 thru the tunnels. Pulling a 45' 5th wheel with a dually.
In Colorado on I-70, 3 climbs to deal with. The first is the climb out of Denver up to the Evergreen area and then the Floyd Hill descent outside of Idaho Springs. Second is the climb up to the Eisenhower-Johnson Tunnels and the (somewhat long) descent into the Summit County towns. And finally the climb up and over Vail Pass. 11000+ feet for #2 and #3. Your rig should handle it fine. Just be aware of the slow traffic that you'll encounter on all 3 climbs. You can handle it; others maybe not.
I-80 in Wyoming, the high point is outside of Laramie at ~9600 feet with a drop into Laramie to ~7200 feet. That high point is the highest on all of I-80, coast to coast. It's a gradual climb from Cheyenne to the summit and the descent to Laramie is only about 5 miles or so. West of Laramie is a lot of rolling terrain and as pointed out, the winds can be tricky. But there's no significant elevation changes.
Your choice as to which you would be more comfortable with.