If you do end up going I65 try to avoid layover at South BLVD in Montgomery... Unless it has changed in the past few years all of that around the Truck Stop and South BLVD has turned into a war zone. All of the businesses there are boarded up and you definitely don't feel safe... Used to be the prime Montgomery hotel area years past...
I spent many of times working in that area and stayed at all those fine hotel places there over the years - Was down there of recent time with my Wife and had pulled into what used to a big Holiday Inn which was boarded up just showing the wife where we stayed etc... Next thing I know we have two city police on both sides of us explaining we should move to the East side of town as it just wasn't safe here... First time I have ever had that happen to me haha...
There is an RV Park place across the South BLVD from the Truck Stop too...
Just saying...
Roy Ken