...here's one for you: ...
"Mexico Inflation Rate Keeps Rising
Mexican annual inflation rate accelerated further to 4.3 percent in October of 2014 from 4.22 percent in September, pushed up by higher food prices. Monthly inflation accelerated to 0.55 percent, the highest in nine months. Published on 2014-11-07" (site: Trading Economics, 2014)
....whenever a country's inflation rates soar / their currency dives, the only hedge for the population is to use US dollars (regardless of it's legal implications in any given country)....so, what is the World's currency benchmark (against which all other currencies are measured) ? If you recall the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944, thereafter, every country on Earth pegged their currency exchange rates exclusively to the US dollar. Worse in Mexico, Mexico is the US's largest trading partner...so, which currency does the Mexican economy prefer??? Certainly not the ever increasingly worthless Mexican Peso. Try and exchange Mexican currency in Canada, Argentina, Colombia, the Bahamas, the UK, France, Switzerland, Germany, etc, etc...and see what happens!
In literally every Latin American country I have ever been in, I could use US dollars to either out-right buy goods and services, or to exchange for the local currency (I only exchange just enough; never too much!).