First of all - God bless ya; what a great venture!
I don't see what your rig is and that might make a difference.
You will get all sorts of answers here but I will pass along what I have learned from 16 years of part time doing this.
No time restraints!? Wow, then don't push it.
Driving? Depends on the roads and whether two lane or interstate. We generally figure about 250 miles or so per day if interstate and 200 or so if two lane - depends on the road. And we stop every couple of hours to stretch out backs, hit our self attached porta pottie and walk the dog.
Another thing we do is if we do two single night overnights then the third one we stay two nights even if nothing is really there; just to relax. We try to plan that one for someplace we kinda would like to see just a little - maybe never been there before or need to do a grocery run, etc. On the two nighters we unhook, otherwise stay hooked up.
Like you say - that is driving time. Not taking time for places we are visiting.
We just put on about 6300 miles over 68 days; half towing and half "touring". I got a stress reliever steering wheel cover at WalMart and I swear to God it works!
Oh, crossing into Canada there is no big deal at all. If you have a pet brief records. And your passport for you. DO NOT plan on taking any firearms into Canada - a big no no and not going to be fun if you get caught.
Be safe - enjoy.