I drove semis trucks into NYC for many years. The very best time is 4 am to about 9 am on a Sunday it will be fairly calm. Get a good map and watch where you go because a lot of people in NYC will scam you if they can. One big scam I used to see a lot was guys getting lost and someone coming up to their truck offering to get them where they wanted to go only to be robbed or when they got back on their route the guy would demand money for helping him. People will drive around you, cut in front of you , give you the finger, yell at you, blow their horn at you BE ON YOUR TOES at all times. Driving in NYC just isn't normal driving
I had a guy cut in front of me on the GW bridge once ,hit my truck, got out looked at his car and drove off never to be seen again.
I have also met some of the nicest people you could ever meet in NYC.
It is like no other city in the US!! On a week day.....NO WAY the place is totally crazy !!
I had a Rand McNally gps that worked great every where in the country but for some reason it would not work in NYC....no idea why. Good luck.