Forum Discussion

rr2254545's avatar
Apr 25, 2016

Ohio Turnpike

Just traveled today on about the whole west bound side - seemed like about half the was construction and reduced lanes and 50 MPH speed.

They should have paid me to use the road - instead towing the car was 33.75
  • I 70 is better than I 80 less construction and no tolls. We've traveled it a lot when my Husband was in the military. We traveled from Ca to Wv often.
  • We NEVER EVER use the OTP (I-80). They now nick us for tolls real bad. They changed the rules a few years back and now we pay the same as a Grayhound. We used to be the same as a pickup. Between that the published policy of stopping out of state place preferentially, we just don't give them a chance.

  • The tolls are what helps pay for the reconstruction of the roadway. At lease I can see something for my money verses paying income taxes. :(

    Ohio Turnpike Construction Zones

    Thanks Bill

    Yep, I knew there was a web-site somewhere.

    Good to see something being done. We travel the whole length at lease twice a year. Some stretches of the Ohio Pike were pretty rough. It's either put up with bad roads or construction zones. Can't have improved roads without reconstruction. :@

    I prefer putting up with construction zones and smooth sailing later on. :)
  • I've always felt that if there is major construction occurring on any tollroad, then they shouldn't be collecting tolls for at least that section of road.

    Of course my feeling that way hasn't moved any toll road authority to see it my way. :(
  • Hope this some help.
  • I LIve in ohio and it is always like that. back country roads are in better shape.