Forum Discussion

Lauren's avatar
Sep 08, 2018

Ouray to Bluff, UT

We arrived here in Ouray two days ago and six more to go. Think we will hit the "gold" just right. Then heading to Bluff, UT for 2 nights and on to South Rim Grand Canyon. Million Dollar Hwy ranks up there as one of the most beautiful drives there is - up to the top twice for photo work and will be so another 5-6 times. Reminded that it is not for rv; we are experienced at rv driving in mountains and this is a definite no for rv. Had group of motorcycles weaving in and out both lanes into blind curves. Ho boy.But let's not go into that.

Not why I am here this time.

OK, here to Bluff? Google shows 3 routes but I like to get input on here when possible. Ouray to Bluff. Will also check Mountain Directory.

Thanks - be safe.

  • Thank you - and thanks for the chuckle. Sad day. We were in Banff this day in 2001.

    OMG, Busskipper, the colors just keep improving. Absolutely beautiful. Have driven Red Mountain Pass to near the top (once to the top) 4 times so far and just getting better - 3 times alone for photo work and once with Barbara and Sadie. We drove from Ouray to To Hell U Ride today and blown away. Doing Red Mountain tomorrow again to the mine / old town - the three of us.

    Have not a clue how many pix I have taken.
  • Lauren wrote:
    I think I needed to make myself more clear. We are pulling the 5er from Ouray to Bluff for two nights and then on to South Rim. Lizard Head we have done many times. Looking for info in regards to pulling the experienced mountain driver. Steep does not really concern me but tight curves I want to do without - too many people take their half out of the middle.

    Lauren you Know just the route you want - Lizard Head RT 145 to Cortez then how ever you want to Bluff - RT 491 south to RT 160 then on West out on RT162 to Bluff.

    All those road should Be Lauren Approved.

    How is the Color now in the San Juans?
  • I think I needed to make myself more clear. We are pulling the 5er from Ouray to Bluff for two nights and then on to South Rim. Lizard Head we have done many times. Looking for info in regards to pulling the experienced mountain driver. Steep does not really concern me but tight curves I want to do without - too many people take their half out of the middle.
  • I did this some years ago, though in a SUV.

    I'd driven to Telluride from Moab, and intended to do some easy back roads. But a storm just passed through, so I choose to stick with the main highways. Drove to Ouray, and the over 550 to Silverton and Durango, and then to Cortez.

    From Cortez I took county road G (turn off near the airport), which heads due west across the south side of the Ancients monument. We took one modest hike to some ruins. We hit 162 at Aneth.

    145 Lizzard Pass is supposed to be an easy alternative to 550, though I didn't drive it.

    G was a typical paved county road, no significant grades or curves, but not fast. Once you get into Utah there are lots of side roads, mostly gravel/dirt. On an even earlier trip we spent a day/night at Hovenweep, just a bit to north of this route.
  • X2 on Kavoom suggetions. We have been going to this corner of Ut, Co, AZ and NM for years and always find something interesting. We were at the North Rim last year in mid Sept but stayed at the lodge--left the RV hooked up in Kabab. It snowed and was really crisp clear weather. We have also done the South Rim in Sept and really enjoyed the Ranger led programs. Included in our GC adventures was a 6 day float trip thru the GC--a truly unbelievable experience in 2016. Blanding is also interesting lots of history of the region. I suggest Antelope Canyon tours near Page--great slot canyons.
  • I'd head over to Monticello and then south on 191. One of my favorite campgrounds in the world is worth thinking about for a night. And that is Devils Canyon nat forest. The view from the entrance at night is awesome. You can hike to some ruins from the nature trail on loop B. The new loop is open with nice drive throughs but I prefer the originals nice trees.

    I first camped here in the 60's, yes and the trees were small then, big now. We knew people and there is an entire valley of ruins close (Montezuma Canyon) that were pristine in the 60's 70's could go right up to and into them. Tells (humps of dirt old ruins) everywhere. My mom pulled a bunch of turquoise beads from the corner of one that was washing out 45 years ago. This area was a center of Anazazi culture.

    And, consider the north rim over the south would be a consideration. The South Rim is one big tourist trap imho. Take 163 south whatever you do through Monument valley. Beautiful drive. If you do the North Rim, stay at Jacob Lake that has a full service campground. It is a great basecamp for the North Rim, Zion and Bryce are all day trips with others close.

    Just my opinion after fifty years of going to this area.
  • Many thousands of RV's make that drive every year. There are plenty of videos up on Youtube showing them doing it. We've done it multiple times.

    As for the trip to Bluff, we've been down all tree of those roads. I90 of course has no surprises, there is some interesting scenery are Grand Junction if you haven't been that way before and Colorado National Mounment which is worth no more that a drive thru with a short trail or two along the way.

    Cortez to Monticello no major surprises there, we camped for a week in Cortez and then moved up to Monticello for another week of exploring that section of Canyolands.

    90 is a two lane highway, the most interesting part of the trip is the way to Naturita. The southern route runs thru a series of tall mesas on each side of the road but mostly to the north. This was Uranium country, with a 4WD you can drive up to the top of the mesas and see old mines. There is still a lot of acreage marked off with Dept of Energy signs and you will see fresh diggings so mining is still going on I guess. The most interesting road tho is the northern road that runs thru Gateway and back to the highway. It is extremely scenic and could be called a mini-Grand Canyon or Zion. Apparently there are campsites and trails up on the mesas. We went thru right after a rain and there we many small waterfalls running off the mesas.