The last thing a Mexican wants to do in Mexico is get involved with the authorities, specially if they are visiting from the US.
Once you get involved, the authorities tend to turn things around and blame you for what ever charges they can trump up and make life miserable for you, no one wants to have several months of dealing with lawyers and jueces (judges), every year they play goody for the press and advertise that they will stop the corruption, it looks good on TV and papers but that is all nothing gets really done, specially the customs agents at the Sonoyta check point, they are the most corrupt in all of Mexico.
Canadians and Americans do not get hassled because they do complain and make a racket and that is not good for the business of graft from the paisanos.
There is actually more government corruption now than 40 years ago, it is just not so open and blatant, in the valley of Mexico City they hired women as transito cops (traffic cops) the reasoning was that they are not as corrupt, it turns out that they are worst and the bribe is double what a male cop asks, so the paisanos are not better, but worst in the end.
Buy the way these are facts! I do not sugar coat anything for the benefit of the turista.
How do I know I speak with the people that drive for a living, the taxi drivers and when at least 5 or more relate the same facts, they know the situation.