Alaskan road report worst to better
Denali Hwy not really a maintained rd.
Dalton Hwy is passable but is really for commercial use broken windshields are the norm.
McCarthy / Kenicott upgraded but 60 miles still takes 2 hours
Tok to GlenAllen - Glenn Hwy frost heaves
Taylor Hwy 60 miles paved the rest is gravel very dusty
Top of the World dusty when dry calcium chloride used for dust control is miserable when wet.
Parks and Richardson are about the best they have ever been not saying they are great just good.
Seward is very good
the road from Dawson to Whitehorse is good some construction
Whitehorse to Hains Jct good
Hains Jct to Destruction Bay good
Destruction Bay to the border FROST HEAVES construction in sections 80 miles
The border to Tok is good some construction
I drove all of these Hwys except the Denali this month.
This an Alaskan idea of good. But we drive these every day so our idea of good isn't the same as someone living in the states.