Forum Discussion

wtmtnhiker's avatar
Mar 11, 2014

Route Wichita Falls, Tx to Huntsville, Tx

Hi all,
We'll be traveling from Wichita Falls on Rt 287 and want to pick up I-45 South for Huntsville south of Dallas. Looking at the map we need to go through Fort Worth. Can anyone advise on the best way to do this? I'll be towing a 37' 5th wheel. Thanks.
  • Thanks to padredw and BB_TX. We eneded up taking 281 to 199 then I-820, I-20 and I-45. I appreciate the replies.

    To RoyB we all appreciate good humor but thanks for nothing. Your post is how threads get hijacked.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    Oh googie - I am always telling anyone that needs direction to go to Wichita Falls and turn left or right depending which direction they are coming from hehe...

    So in your case turn LEFT haha...

    Usually never run into anyone from Whisky tall Falls..
    Roy Ken
  • I think there is a lot of construction/reconstruction around the area of I-35W and the US 287 interchange. And I think more on I-35W on the north side of Ft Worth in general.
    You might be better off taking US 281 from Wichita Falls all the way down to I-20, then I-20 east to I-45 south. Hopefully someone who lives in or drives I-35W thru Ft Worth regularly can give you better information.
  • Looks like the best possibility might be to take I-820 to the East then follow it all the way around to I-20 West, then I-20 West to I-45.

    I-20 usually moves right along in that area (South of Ft. Worth and Dallas.)