romore wrote:
RedRocket204, that is an easy drive until they get to I-5 at Olympia, they still have to deal with that mess called Seattle. 20 to Longview then 12 to Yakima would be my choice.
Good point but if it was planned where they were on that stretch of I5 (Olympia-Tacoma) between 10a-1p then it would be manageable as off I5 in north Tacoma... unless traffic has got a lot worse than 5 years ago. It's just the drive up on Hwy 101 in WA towards Aberdeen is soooo much more scenic than Hwy 30 and up I5. I suppose depends on what the OP is looking for. :)
Quick correction on your mention for the stretch of Hwy between Astoria and Longview bridge. That is Hwy 30. :)