Trackrig wrote:
Yes, Clear AFS is still operational, just south of Anderson. Not sure why it is, but it is. It is being run more and more by civilians working for DoD or contractors that work for the Air Force. . . .
In the beginning Clear consisted of three large slightly curved radar screens. Considering that most of you were watching football today, these screens, if laid flat, are larger than a football field. . . .
So the sites have continued to live and often receive upgrades. They've added new radars, additional back up power supplies, updated housing for both the military and civilians and a lot more. Bill
When I was on Shemya Island (Eareckson AFB/Station) in 1992, it had a smaller version of the same type and vintage of active, curved radar antenna. It was about the size of a large drive-in theater screen (for those old enough to know what they looked like), but was supposedly used for warning of military aircraft takeoffs from fields in Siberia.
The entire base was being converted to automated systems requiring only a few contractor personnel for maintenance. AF personnel were later moved out, to their everlasting relief, as spending a 12-month tour on Shemya definitely deserved hardship pay.
Regarding Joe's comment about "staying clear of Clear," the Shemya antenna was set right on the edge of the seacliff and was on the opposite side of the island from the runway, facing away from the landing pattern. That way, no one could walk, drive, or fly directly in front of it. But, once a week or so, someone had to scoop up the pile of dead birds (fried by the antenna) at the bottom of the cliff and haul them to the dump!