Forum Discussion

relaxin's avatar
Jul 18, 2013

special treatment

over the past few years in a few parks the campers have become more ethnically diverse, which to me is nice to see other cultures trying to enjoy a popular pastime here. however our parks have rules and they are suppose to apply to everyone, some of the rules are stated on the reservation site, all on the website, on park flyers, yet how does a campsite with a 6 person limit end up with as many as 16 people living on it, and that one site in particular was not a large site but actually kind of small, its not one pair of parents with young children, in this instance it was 3 pairs of parents with 10 children (yes on one site).
That one is the most I have seen, but have seen simular occure in a couple other parks, awenda, turkey point, long point, to name a couple the last one was inverhuron, which 2 sites were occupied like that in 2 different locations (one with 16 and one with 10 or 11).
I don't go looking for this stuff but its kind of obvious when 4 cars are crammed on the site 2 sticking into the roadway, theres 3 huge tents (8 plus person each) and the kids are playing on the road as there is not a speck of space on the site. they waere only a couple sites over from me so it is kinfd of hard not to notice, the other was by the comfort station, so in walking by 3 times a day or more it to was noticable with 3 large tents and 3 cars crammed onto the site.

My pint is the rules are there for a reason, and they should apply to everyone EQUALLY with total equality, a few years back my brotherinlaw came with his young son to visit us at a campsite, we offered to let him stay the night, we could easily accommodate him in our RV as our kids slept in a tent normally, because him and his boy would have put us up to 7 on our site,,, for one night,,, with no extra equipment,,, with his car in a parking lot,,,, he was there all day on a day pass,,, he was not allowed to stay unless he rented a site and stayed overnight on that site, so here we are not really making an impact getting turned down,, which hey the rules are the rules,, no problem,, then suddenly there are other groups of people having large groups on one site and its ok? is it because of the fact they are a different ethnic culture? as the rules state a family group is 2 adult parents and their underage children, that is the only way it can go past 6 people on a site, not 3 pairs of parents (that are bothers and sisters) and their underage children.

The rule exists to protect the environment/site, the were and tear/ degradation is far greater with more equipment and people concentrated in one space.

if it was anyone else bringing their brothers and sisters and their spouses and kids, they would have to rent an appropriate amount of sites, in the case of the one I just saw would be 3 sites so did they do it to save what would have been almost $200 on 2 extra sites for 2 nights, and is a race/culture card being played to get what they want as nothing was done about it???

I was not the only one who noticed, a few other people were talking about it at the laundry facility and outside the washroom, the folks on the site next to us mentioned it as we were chatting one evening.

I am not a racist, but I do not believe "anyone" should get special privileges no matter what race or culture.

I wrote an email to Ontario parks, and they sent a reply, stating they try to enforce the rules, and if a violation of the rules is witnessed to not be afraid to report it and they will deal with it.
(so did the warden turn a blind eye and hoped no one would complain? he made his rounds a few times a day through the park,,,4 cars on a site with a 2 car limit is the first most obvious in your face clue something is not right)

Yes if it was a group of Caucasians I would have said something as well. In the past I have seen that has occurred and the park staff dealt with it in a reasonable amount of time (without my complaint)
  • westernrvparkowner just where is the racist rant? Please clarify? I think you owe relaxin an apology for inferring he is racist. I suggest reading his post again without bias.
  • Seamutt wrote:
    westernrvparkowner just where is the racist rant? Please clarify? I think you owe relaxin an apology for inferring he is racist. I suggest reading his post again without bias.

    westernrvparkowner is not the only one to notice racial overtones. Here's a clue-the more that someone states that he is NOT a racist-the more the point is lost, and becomes a race issue. If the OP had simply stated the fact that he noticed too many camper's in one spot, fine. But, he mentioned several times that he felt, (see the name of the thread)that certain ethnic groups were getting special treatment. I bet the 'mumbling' that he referred to had very racial overtones.
    Tell me this doesn't sound racist to you-"next time I will.
    up here complaining about someone, who happens to be of certain ethnic backgrounds can be a little touchy,,, does not matter what the complaint is about."
  • Can't answer for Western, but for myself, this statement of the O.P's stands out in particular, as it supports his contention that some breach of the rules was/is being tolerated only because of the violators' ethnicity....

    relaxin wrote:

    I am not a racist, but I do not believe "anyone" should get special privileges no matter what race or culture.

    Lacking any information other than his own perceptions, how else can such a conclusion have been reached than from the O.P.'s personal biases?
  • Seamutt wrote:
    westernrvparkowner just where is the racist rant? Please clarify? I think you owe relaxin an apology for inferring he is racist. I suggest reading his post again without bias.

    He's far from the only one that noticed
  • I have reread the OP and not only do I not find any racism in the post, but it appears that care was taken NOT to sound racist.
    The main concern is that large groups of some ethniticities are allowed, while others are not. I have seen this in BC as well.
    I have found that nowadays, even the mere mention of race can be considered to be racist.
  • Orion wrote:
    I have reread the OP and not only do I not find any racism in the post, but it appears that care was taken NOT to sound racist.
    The main concern is that large groups of some ethniticities are allowed, while others are not. I have seen this in BC as well.
    I have found that nowadays, even the mere mention of race can be considered to be racist.

  • It's become politically correct to find the smallest reason to label someone "racist" because by inference if you are accusing someone of racism,you are affirming that YOU are not racist.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    I'm sorry to say, but it's time to close this before things get really out of hand.