One note about going slow is that some people work and live up here for a living and if you want to drive slow thats great, but be curtious and pull off to the right when safe to do so and let the "faster" traffic pass safely.
A lot of the roads and Hwys up here have few passing lanes and or long straight stretches where it is safe to pass. A lot of people that are being held up by slower traffic will sooner or later take a chance to pass, and a lot of the time it endeds tragically.
Come on up North, do slow down and enjoy the sites and wildlife however please be aware of what's In your review mirrors and when safe to do so pull off to the right hand shoulder or better yet a gravel or paved Hwy pull off and let the traffic behind you pass. I uses ally wait until I have three vehicles behind me before I pull off and let the faster traffic pass.
The book " Mile Post" does,list most of those areas where you can pull over and that is a great book to have on your trip North.
Enjoy your trip.