Forum Discussion

kevfra's avatar
Oct 11, 2014

To toad or not to toad, that is the question

Having never made this trip before I am working from a beginning point of ignorance ... so I can only improve!

I really don't want to drag a tag vehicle behind me on the trip, and so my question is will I miss anything/much by not having one? I normally bring a bicycle and I'm good for maybe ten miles each way for local travel using the bike. Of course weather can be an issue. So, Am I good with just my RV, or do I really need a small vehicle?

Thanks, great help on this Alaska trip so far!
  • jim1632 wrote:
    We drove a 25 foot RV to Alaska several years ago. What you may miss is the opportunity to drive the toad on some dirt roads that may have points of interest. For example, we could not go to Dawson City in the Yukon because it is a rather long drive on dirt. Our RV just would not handle on dirt roads if there were any "washboard" areas to cross.

    Otherwise, I think our trip would have been pretty much the same if we had a toad along. As you do, we rely on bikes for some shorter trips near the campground.

    I would disagree with Jim on this point. We also have a 24ft and did cross the top of the world highway. 10 years, 50k miles, western US and Canada and Alaska. We have been on far worse, than the Top of the world highway

    I have never seen the need for a toad, and I think that would be especially true on the Alcan. ( not much to see, off the main roads, unlike the lower 48)

    As for wash board roads, very easy, SLOW DOWN. At the end of the day a class c is a ford van. They are just not all that fragile
  • The toad has many more advantages than disadvantages.

    * Use in case of breakdown (see earlier post)
    * Independence. 1 can stay in MH. 1 goes and explores.
    * Can set up MH and not touch until departure.
    * Doesn't reduce MPG on MH by very much.
    * Freedom to explore and "blend in with the locals".
    * A place to stow the bikes (inside!)

    The toad is practically invisible behind our 27' Class C (Ford V10).

    Doesn't interfere with parking

    Only rarely do we have to disconnect to turn around or back out of someplace we land by accident.

    I bike too but many locations I visit don't lend themselves to using the bike for exploration or errands. For example, we use the toad for laundry runs when the park doesn't have one.

    Of course, a toad is another vehicle to maintain, license, insure etc.
    We're looking at getting rid of 1 of the family cars (we have 2) to mitigate this cost issue.

    I'd rather have a toad than a larger MH.
  • We drove a 25 foot RV to Alaska several years ago. What you may miss is the opportunity to drive the toad on some dirt roads that may have points of interest. For example, we could not go to Dawson City in the Yukon because it is a rather long drive on dirt. Our RV just would not handle on dirt roads if there were any "washboard" areas to cross.

    Otherwise, I think our trip would have been pretty much the same if we had a toad along. As you do, we rely on bikes for some shorter trips near the campground.
  • toad. We park the RV and use the toad to travel in about a 100 mile radius. Saves fuel and saves packing everything up to move to next place we want to see.
  • RV'd for years with out one. I just couldn't see the need for one. I can park my RV anywhere I want to go.

    That said when I went full time 'everyone' swore I should have one. Well I lasted a few months on the road and did agree and bought one.

    If you RV where you stay an extended time in one place as many RV'ers do, then yes it is worth dragging one around. Weekend RV'ing not so much.

    Once you are all set up in a CQ for even as short as just one week, it sucks to have to pack up everything to go shopping or sightseeing for a few hours and then come back and have to set up all over again.

    What clenched justifying the cost of buying one for me was the first time I broke down.

    I have broken down with out a Toad. I travel with dogs and a breakdown is far from being a pleasant experience for anyone but with dogs it adds an added anxiety factor.

    With the toad on board all you do is unhook the toad, load the dogs DW, DH and/or kids up, throw the keys to the MH to the tow truck driver and say call me when it's fixed. And we head to the local motel. Break downs are now a breeze for me!

    It also gives you a piece of mind when opting to RV off the beaten path because you have your safety net tagging along behind you.:C
  • The usual thing is to park the RV and use the smaller vehicle to visit and explore. If you have a small(er) MH, it may not be an issue. The Class C used in the Alaska rental fleet do not come with a toad, but are mostly in the 28' and under size range. There is always the chance that there will not be parking for a larger vehicle.
  • you answered your on question,,, I don,t want to.. we have a 25ft MH never been a problem parking.