Forum Discussion

Likes_to_tow's avatar
Sep 06, 2018

Traveling west through St Louis

Heading west on Interstate 64 toward St Louis and plan on hitting I-255 to I-270 then picking up I-70 on the north west side of St Louis. Does this sound like the best way to beat congestion of ST Louis rather than driving straight through the city???
  • stevepk wrote:
    If your coming on 64 take IL 4 north to 70 the 270 back onto 70. I live here!

    Thanks, will do!! I believe this is the routes we took last year on the return trip. A fellow at a campground told me about it. Worked very well at morning rush hour.
  • If your coming on 64 take IL 4 north to 70 the 270 back onto 70. I live here!
  • We go north of St Louis too, once thru East St Louis was enough to convince the wife she wanted nothing to do with the place. The roads were patches on top of patches with holes in between. We generally cross the Mississippi at Keokuk Iowa and have a nice drive thru placid Iowa farm country.
  • Likes to tow wrote:
    Heading west on Interstate 64 toward St Louis and plan on hitting I-255 to I-270 then picking up I-70 on the north west side of St Louis. Does this sound like the best way to beat congestion of ST Louis rather than driving straight through the city???


    We avoid that issue by doing this - Map Annapolis, MD to Golden,CO - we run through Hannibal north of St Louis and avoid all the traffic - Nice road - Lot less Traffic and Fewer Trucks.

    We found this about 20 years ago and have probably got over twenty round trips on this route.

    Recommend this often and have never had a Complaint.

    Hope this Helps,