Forum Discussion

mikefos's avatar
Sep 26, 2021

Trinidad CO to Clayton NM (160->389->551->325->64)


Looking to go around Raton Pass on I25 using the route stated above to go home to Central Texas from Central Colorado after two months. Have the truck and TT in signature. Anybody ever go this route? Will stay the night in Trinidad CO and then head to Amarillo TX for the next night. Third night in Big Spring TX. Also, any recommendations for RV parks for the night in Trinidad, Amarillo, or Big Spring?

  • The reason I was seeking an alternate route was because the mighty Duramax threw a P087 code on the way here in late July. This code is typically thrown when towing in hot weather and climbing, and could be caused by a few things. I've taken a stab at resolving it with replacement of the fuel pressure relief valve, but won't know if that works until I am towing again in hot weather and climbing. I didn't want to experiment so far from home. I worked around the code and got here ok. Was looking for a flatter route home.
  • I am in full agreement with those who have said that Raton Pass is one of the "easiest" in the Rockies. I have towed over it more times than I can count, so my remarks are not in relation to the route as I have never gone that way, but regarding campgrounds.

    There is not a good campground IN Trinidad that I know of. I have noticed many RV in the Walmart parking lot. Since I always go over the pass, we have most often stayed at the Raton Pass RV Park.

    In Amarillo we most often stay at the Overnight RV Park because it is so conveniently located at the intersection of the bypass and I-40 which is the route we take to our home in East Texas, but that might not be as convenient if you are going to Big Spring. The Oasis Campground is west of Amarillo and gets good reviews, though we have never stayed there.
  • Last year we took 160 at Trinidad to bypass Raton pass in our 36' towing. 160 is a narrow road with very little shoulder and hardly any place to pull over. Not a road I'd do again in a large rig. Very remote area.
    Raton pass other than the construction just before Raton heading south isn't bad. Easy pass compared to others in Colorado.
  • Unless you are really opposed to passes or have done Raton Pass and don’t want to repeat I would do as IDman suggest. I towed our 5er over Raton Pass going and coming every year 2007 thru 2014 going to CO and back. A bit of a tug as you get near the top but not for long. And good interstate. And Raton to Clayton is good highway.

    We always stayed at Fort Amarillo RV on west edge of Amarillo as it was close to restaurants and shopping if needed. But been a few years ago. Many seem to like Oasis RV a little farther west of Amarillo.
  • Raton Pass is easy (Interstate)and Raton to Clayton is good 4 lane all of the way, much of it pretty new. I see no reason to take your proposed route. I would stay in Raton, then next night in or near Lubbock, then home to Fredericksburg.
  • It's all two-lane. Haven't driven that route recently so can't say what condition the roads are in these days. You can spot check them with Street View on Google Maps, but that won't catch small bad stretches unless you're lucky.

    I used to live in Trinidad and did Raton pass all the time - just did it recently with a fifth wheel. You've got the Duramax and should have no issues with the pass.
