54 and 219 are the direct route, but for scenery cut off of 54 in Duran (just north of Corona) and take NM 3 up to I-25. You go through Villenueva which has a nice State Park and some good trout fishing.
The 3 is mostly straight and level until you get around Villenueva when you drop into the Pecos River valley. You finish up on 3 by driving up the Pecos river valley for about 20 miles and it is a slow, but scenic drive (30mph limit), but there is a good restaruant in Ribera right before the railroad crossing. Pay attention it is an active track used by freight and AMTRAK both.
BTW we use 3 twice a year with our 30ft 5er to get to our place up north from Las Cruces. Fuel prices are high on 54 north of Alamagordo and anywhere enroute to I-25.