Forum Discussion

yr2017's avatar
Apr 21, 2018

Warning - Perry GA Wally

The Perry, GA Wally World hired Buckheard Parking Enforcement to patrol and boot any semis parked in their lot. I was there shortly after this edict went into effect, and there were no signs posted. The fine to remove the boot is $500 or pay the towing charges which can be several thousands of dollars. Several class A's were parked alongside the semis, and don't know if anyone was booted.
  • I wonder when they will start to boot trucks making deliveries to the Walmart? I can see that happening.
  • Might be worth a call to the store manager to see if RV's are included in the Buckhead contract.
  • Yikes! That's a new one. Won't be visiting there for any reason.
  • What do semi drivers buy from Wally World justifying overnight parking? Driver quoted in story says he did but do others? Should RVers fight semi truck overnight parking battles?