Many of the Canadians are from BC. But they had such horrible weather problems, Rain, mudslides, closed highways, that they were unable to get away. Now throw in Omicron and many will be staying home. Some will be worried that the US border will close again leaving everyone stranded. Of course Trudeau did not help. He is advising Canadians to not not travel and warning that returning could be difficult. i,e testing and quarantining. We are in Kino but taking the Bluebird to Quartzsite for a month. But if Omnicron or regular Covid gets out of hand we will retreat to Mexico. Everyone here follows the rules. You cannot get into an Oxxo without a mask. Some of the small Supers have a take out window. You give the clerk your order and he brings it to the window. No entering the store. Maybe it is just my imagination but we feel safer in our Pueblo. I have seen a few RV's here but I think they are regulars. The highway from Nogales is full of Paisanos. Most of them are caravaning for safety reasons. Thus a bunch get to the toll booth at the same time. 1.5 hour waits. 3 hours to get your Car permit or FMM. If you come with an online permit still have to get in the long line.Until Xmas those heading North are also waiting a few hours at Nogales. Cross border shoppers.