dahkota wrote:
Calisdad wrote:
I started a thread about a bill that would keep our roads open. 166 views and only 2 responses. Who says the people reading this forum aren't the problem? They either don't care or don't think it's their problem. When all the roads are closed this will be a moot issue.
I was one of those views and not one of the responses. Why? You weren't looking for a response; you wanted people to agree with you and act. I didn't agree with you, so I didn't act. How does that make me the problem? I do care, but I don't agree with you on HR 1555. Simple as that.
Had you asked for peoples' opinions on HR 1555, I probably would have responded.
I'll bite too. Read and didn't agree with the bill as presented.
There is movement going on in Moab and in Lone Pine virtually the same things. They want to restrict areas when there is a problem in some regards (boondocking/public access) but there is often more over hype of the issues to serve the needs of the person that wants the change. Sort of like complaining about speeders in your neighborhood to the local police dept. and when there is enforcement, the result is your own son is one of those ticketed that day. Some people don't realize that they are part of the problems themselves.
Like one of the posters stated, trash. My kids grew up where we had an extra bag on our packs to pick up other peoples trash along the trail. I do this now, especially during the years I had my dog with me. I just didn't pick up after him, but others too. A little goes a long way.
Sorry that you didn't have the response you were looking for. But kudos for bringing the discussion up here, so you can learn the other side of what people are reacting to, not necessarily what you might have perceived.