Hi, if you do go up the Icefields parkway to Jasper stop at the Icefields Centre (Huge parking lots for cars and big RV's)and tour the info building, have lunch etc) You can take a ride on a Sno coach and/or a helicopter and go on the Athabasca Glacier and walk on it, or hike, its a ways and steep)
If you have time, once in Jasper you can turn right or left on Hwy 16.
DW and I know the area well, if you would like suggestions on which way to go (depending on time and interests, message me and I'll send you some info.
Enjoy your trip.
Icefields ParkwayPete.
p.s accsys has great info on their blog! Don't get fuel at Saskatchewan River Crossing, on the Icefields Hwy, very very expensive.