Tripalot wrote:
v10superduty wrote:
To the "OP"
Do you have any comments on the comments?
Please be polite and come back to the conversation you started.
I don't want folks to think us Canadians are a bunch of "scaredy cats" blaming increased "issues" in the USA as a reason for not going there.
I feel ever bit as safe here in Florida as I do at home.
The ONLY real reason Canadians may be in short supply this year down here is they are just frugal.. :S
Back to my original post: the two sets of friends can both easily afford the exchange rate on the Canadian $ - it was the terror and violence that was bothering them.
As for ourselves, we have been spent the past 14 winters in the USA and Mexico. We have enjoyed our money at par and have paid the big premiums over the years - the exchange rate will not keep us from enjoying a vacation away from the snow and cold.
We are very vigilant when traveling and do take precautions regardless of where we are, Canada, USA or Europe. I must admit though that I do get depressed listening to the local newscasts in Florida as most items deal with murders or robberies. We do not have as much of this at home so that is why we notice it. We all have our own comfort levels. Not watching the news helps as well.
The many comments have been interesting reading. Let's hope both our countries can work together to put a stop on the violence that is happening more frequently now.
Thanks for coming back and commenting.
I will concede that some Canadians may not be travelling south because they are afraid "BUT" I strongly suggest they are wrong/overreacting.
I believe this statement from your post says it all.
"Not watching the news helps as well."
I also want to comment on this line from your post.
"I must admit though that I do get depressed listening to the local newscasts in Florida as most items deal with murders or robberies."
I recall from a couple years back 3 incidents of murder by gun here in Florida. Was big time on the news. I think the news business is very competitive down here and they go for the shock value instead of the boy scout "feel good" story when they can.
One of the stories was road rage deal, guy chased down a fellow and thinking he was alone shot into the back sear of his vehicle to show how tough he was. Unfortunatly was a kid there and they died.
Next one was a case where some folks from out west asked police to check on their aged senile father as he wouldn't answer phone. When they knocked on door he shot through door killing the policeman.
The third, I can't recall details but was similar situation.
All bad deals but nothing to do with a visitor to Florida?
Point is... its not likely a visiting Canadian will get caught up and hurt.
I know a few folks who can way better afford to be down here than me but they did not come.
In my opinion, whatever excuse they use, they value money more than living life.
their loss I guess.