Bka0721,I'm happy to answer your questions. First of all, I did find a parking lot near the small University airport. I'm not sure who owned it. It had a few cars in it and some lights, but wasn't too bright. I was so tired after driving about 6 hours that it was easy to just go back to the bed and collapse, without any activity that required me to turn on any lights.
I was a little nervous about someone pounding on the door in the middle of the night, so I will confess that I slept in my clothes, feeling I'd be a little more comfortable facing someone if I weren't in pajamas.
I slept like a log, woke up, got into the driver's seat, and drove away, as you had suggested. So it was a true stealth camping experience -- my first, but I can tell you it won't be my last.
The next time, I will probably feel comfortable enough to change into pjs, which should make it even a tad better!