Charlie - I ham all the time down there... I think the repeater is 146.82 but don't quote me on that...
That repeater bunch loves to rag chew late at night. My kind of hams haha...
I have 2m/440 antenna on the rear of my POPUP trailer and a mount for a IC-706MKII. have same thing on my truck... I also carry two fold up 3-inch triangle alumimun antenna that goes up to ten feet above my rear bumper. Then I run out a OFF CENTER all band wire antenna and throw the ends up in the trees... The F8 site has a couple of tree 150-feet apart that is prefect for that and doesn't get into anyone elses space there...
we run all of our stuff usually from 6PM to 11PM drawing about 20AMPS DC Current from our 255AH battery bank. This holds up until 8AM the next morning and then we will run our 2KW Generator tied to the shore power cable for three hours to get my battery bank back up to the 90% charge state level. Then we good to do all of this all over again the next day/night run on the batteries...
Like camping close to the water and it does make alot of noise there... The second tier in is probably the better site for less roaring water noise... Kids like to come up near the F8 spot and put in their tubes and go all the way to the last cuve in the ELKMONT access road and hike back into the F8 camp spot area haha. They have a good time tubing... I have aired up a few tubes for them in my days haha...
We use the VERIZON MIFI Hotspot for our internet but its pretty spotty there. I can fashion up an antenna and usually pick VERIZON up. Once I get the hotspot going then everything else works for internet... Just hard walking around and have your cell phones working...
We always try to get their in late SEP time frame. Our family bunch always gets together at Myrtle Beach that time of the year and all roads go through Gatlinburg haha. Our other favorite spot is CLOUDLAND CANYON at the Trenton GA Lookout Mtn Exit before you get into ALA on I59... We camp in the West Rim side...
You guys have a fun trip in August...
Roy Ken