Ah....Maine in September - it doesn't get much better than that. We head Down East nearly every year after Labor Day. The summer crowds are gone, the weather is fantastic and reservations are unnecessary.
Here are some of our favorite campgrounds:
Lobster Buoy CG in Thomaston.
Camden Hills State ParkWinslow Memorial Park in Freeport
Recompense Shores Campsites also in Freeport. It's a neat place with sites overlooking the rockbound coast, but it has gotten rather pricey, so we don't go there anymore.
No trip to Maine is complete without a stop at LL Bean in Freeport. In addition to the two campgrounds mentioned above, you can also
park overnight right in town, down across Main Street from the Bean complex.
Up in the Bar Harbor area we prefer
Seawall Campground down at the south end of Acadia NP.
On your way to Bah Haabah, a great stop is the
The Big Chicken Barn Bookstore on Route 1 between Bucksport and Ellsworth. You cannot leave empty-handed!
Have a great trip!
Ted H.