Steve B. wrote:
When I head to Acadia, I always stay at Blackwoods. Love being able to walk over to the ocean and walk along the park loop road. The trail up Cadillac Mtn. is right across the street, although I might be able to do that anymore. I appreciate everyone's input. Any ideas for my return trip down Rt. 11 and into the interior of the state are welcome as well!
Maybe I can help! Let's start with Presque Isle,
Arndt's Nice quiet campground with a real nice view.
Near Millinocket I would suggest
Wilderness Edge Campground There are a few others but they are more "family" locations (noisy). If you are up for a little adventure I would recommend
Joe-Mary Campground. Located between Millinocket and Brownsville. They are about 4 miles off Rt 11 on a well maintained dirt road.
A good resource is
Camp Maine. I am not sure how far south you plan to take Rt 11 but may I suggest picking up Rt 2 from the Bangor area south. Hope this is a good start.