Be careful to observe the speed limit going thru the reservation there on 41. The actual main cg in the park is all the way down at the tip of the state, the entry road is near Homestead. It is a big cg and was dry camping tho I think I heard that they added power to at least some of the spots.
It may be possible to get a reservation in April which is the end of the winter 'season'
As for Midway you aren't far from the cypress loop drive which that time of year could have many nesting water birds. Shark Valley is worth a stop to do the loop trail, either the tram or rent bikes. You'll see a LOT of unafraid gators. A real experience for northerners. Another good gator viewing area is Myakka State park inland from Sarasota. And possibly that Cypress Loop road, we went thru once during gator mating season and one pond was packed with gators.
On US 41 in Ochopee FL, on the west half of the road, you'll see the worlds smallest post Office. It was run my my wife's great grand mother for decades.
And lastly there are a number of places to take air boat tours along 41.