Forum Discussion

michigansandzil's avatar
Feb 20, 2015

Fort Delaware?

If you've been to Fort Delaware, how was it? What did your kids think? Is it a must see destination?

We are in our late 30s and kids are 12, 10, and 6. We are going to be in that area in August and wondering if we should squeeze it in as a must visit area.

  • michigansandzilla wrote:
    Thanks for the responses so far.

    I edited my original message so that the details of my trip don't take away from the main question as to whether or not we should try to fit in the Fort.

    The pace of our trip is not unusual for us, it's the destination that 's different. Our pace and time spent at destinations works for us, but probably not many on this forum. We drive 700 miles in one day without issue. If we only drive 200-300 miles between campsites, we try to find something else to do on the drive like visit a city, landmark, museum, kids play area, etc.

    Thanks for the help.

    Fort Delaware is a must see. What is really nice, is it can be brutally hot out, but it will feel great in the fort. IF, you can spare a little extra time in Delaware, it would be worth it to spend about 5 hours in Hagley Museum. It is absolutely beautiful. It is where the company Dupont got started. Check out the link...HAGLEY MUSEUM
  • Thanks for the responses so far.

    I edited my original message so that the details of my trip don't take away from the main question as to whether or not we should try to fit in the Fort.

    The pace of our trip is not unusual for us, it's the destination that 's different. Our pace and time spent at destinations works for us, but probably not many on this forum. We drive 700 miles in one day without issue. If we only drive 200-300 miles between campsites, we try to find something else to do on the drive like visit a city, landmark, museum, kids play area, etc.

    Thanks for the help.
  • Coming from a local boy to all these who has spent a lot of time at them all, you are definitely overbooked for 2 weeks! You can spent 5 days in DC alone to do the Smithsonian and National monuments justice... Gettysburg is easily a long weekend. Baltimore can be a 2 day excursion to get the fort, aquarium, harbor, etc... Philadelphia is another you can spend a week in with all of the history, NYC even longer, and I could go on about each. I would encourage you to really look to focus your trip because you can make three 2 week trips with everything on your list will little effort!

    Fort Delaware is fantastic! It's only a 40min drive from our home, and we frequently visit. If you going to see Fort Delaware (kids love the night ghost tours), then you also need to add visiting Fort Mifflin, Fort Mercer and Red Bank, and... Can you see where I'm going? Tons of history here!

    Make it a focused trip and come back and see us a few times! Drop a PM if you need any campground recommendations in proximity to any of these destinations!
  • esyers wrote:
    I've never been to Ft. Delaware but it sounds to me like you're very "overbooked" already. You won't have time to see very much with so many places with so much to explore. Of course YMMV :)

    Double ditto. Special Note: Kids tire of just looking at things and want to have something to do like swimming. I would take that list and break it into two or three separate trips.

    Go to an area like Jamestown and Norfolk, park in a cg, see the sites but also insert some days in between filled with recreational activities for the kids.

    Gettysburg is great combined with Emmitsburg and Frederick MD.

    DC is a week all by itself and you still won't be able to see every thing: Smithsonian, memorials, etc. The Smithsonian itself can be visited for several trips and you still won't see it all.

    RVing isn't about checking off a bucket list. It's about enjoying the family and savoring the places.
  • First, I would say your "overbooked". But. If you can fit it into your schedule I feel the kids would like Ft. Delaware. You get to take a boat ride to the island and then explore a haunted fort. Delaware City has a nice/unique restaurant called CRABBY DICKS.
  • I've never been to Ft. Delaware but it sounds to me like you're very "overbooked" already. You won't have time to see very much with so many places with so much to explore. Of course YMMV :)