Forum Discussion

RWDIII's avatar
Jan 08, 2015

Green Comet?

Has anyone seen the comet?
Went out east of Casa Grandebefore moon came up and there was to much light pollution.Got a good view of Orion but to much light to see the milky way.Will take my binocs,15x70 Celestons, next week when I go to Amboy crater.Will also be first trip with F250 and the Bronco 800
I also got a good look at Venus and Mercury after sunset.Rare to see Mercury that bright,
  • Thanks Suzzee,I probably did see it,saw something fuzzy but thought I missed it because I couldn't see a tail.Do you use binocs?
  • we see it in Quartzsite every night :)

    so, every other comet I've seen....only two lol had a tail. This is a big green blur.

    ??? where's the tail? :?

    I actually can see it even when it's not totally dark, and if I've been inside with lights on. Very easy when you know where to look.

    I started at the foot of Orion (his left my right) and went down and to the right a ways.
  • Hopefully it will still be in the dark skies of Quartzsite next week?
  • I saw it tonight. I wasn't dark-adapted so it wasn't very bright and I could not discern a tail. Being a "deep sky" guy I caught it in my peripheral vision before using my binos but now I have an idea where to look, if the weather holds up. Tonight may have been my best night, though.

    I posted this from a U-2 pilot in the "Naked-eye astronomy" thread, but it fits better here:

  • I actually did see the comet -- faintly -- from suburban Orange County. Tonight and the next several nights, try to get outside after dark but before the moon comes up. The comet will be to the right of Orion's belt, pretty much directly underneath the Pleiades.

    We are heading out to Joshua Tree in a few minutes -- but the forecast is for cloudy weather the next few evenings. Oh, well.