rockhillmanor wrote:
rr2254545 wrote:
we like them stayed at 81 since we retired and will keep staying at them when available and price competitive for the area
When I went full time and after the 3rd surprise at pulling off the road for the night and finding horror of horrors CG's?
I now stay exclusively at KOA's. You know when you get there just what it will look like no matter what state you are in.
Their rates are no different than other CG's. When the naysayers start quoting/complaining of high CG rates they 'always' use the rate for a CG "near an attraction". "ALL" CG's near attractions have higher rates. KOA is not the lone ranger.
Those of us that travel full-time or snowbird stay at many CG's as we travel across the US. We are not a destination weekend RV'er so we are not making reservations months or even years in advance.
We get tired of driving, we pull into the nearest CG. There is always a KOA usually close by and I know what it will look like. Clean and safe. :C
When I pull off the road late in the day or even late at night for a good nights rest I don't want to pull into some dive just because it was dirt cheap.
Rock Hill you bring up a good point. If you judging CG's on price alone KOA's will generally be at the top.
However if your judging on quality and consistency KOA will also be at the top.
I agree KOA's are generally no worse than the competition.
There goal is to deliver a quality experience in a family friendly atmosphere vs. providing a bargain priced site. Those are 2 different criteria.