Forum Discussion

Desert_Captain's avatar
Explorer III
Nov 12, 2018

Last minute camping in Tucson...

My wife's sister and BIL have been visiting from MA for the last week. I always take him out for a guys overnight when they come. After a tour of the Pima Aero Museum and a brief stop at one of the local Casino's, we drove up to Madera Canyon looking to spend the night at the Bogg Springs cg. It only has 13 sites but on a Thursday I thought we might get lucky... no such luck, full up which is a shame as it is drop dead gorgeous at 5K'.

We headed back down to Tucson and found plenty of room at the county Gilbert Ray cg in the middle of Saguaro National Park. For $20 a night we had 30 amp service but they do not allow wood fires. We enjoyed the stars and upon returning home he wanted to do another night and bring our wives.

Got on the computer and got very lucky scoring one of only two available sites at Catalina SP {6 miles down the road from our home} for Sunday night. This time of year {snowbird season big time} reservations at Catalina SP are a must. The views and amenities are awesome and we thoroughly enjoyed our brief stay. It was $35 a night with 30 amps and water in the site and a couple of available dump stations. Directly across highway 77/Oracle Road is a large shopping center with Walmart, Best Buy etc. along with half a dozen restaurants. Catalina is probably one of the most beautiful and conveniently located state parks in Arizona.

From now until next May reservations just about anywhere in Arizona are essential but well worth having.


  • Gilbert Ray is on our list of stops for our trip this winter. Thanks for the update.
  • There are always sites available at the Pima County Fairgrounds, $30/day or $150/week, full hookups, all gravel, easy access pull thru's. They have a monthly price, don't know what that is
  • We went to Catalina state park the 5th till the 9th of this month. Been going there for years. It is very nice and will go again.