Just a quick follow up to answer my own question from last August, and to share the information with those who expressed an interest. My daughter and I finally made the 2 1/2 hour drive out to the Drive in for the opening weekend on Saturday. We had a great time despite the occasional rain.
As we were already aware, this theater only plays older movies that are still available in the old 35mm projector format, as they did not invest the big bucks to upgrade to digital years ago.
We parked towards the back as instructed but had a perfect view of the screen. We didn’t even unhook the tow vehicle. It took only an extra minute or two to get the trailer level, it was just a matter of pulling forward a foot or 2 while my daughter watched the bubble level .
Snack bar was very comprehensive and very reasonably priced: three dollar cheeseburgers and a 4 dollar huge bag of popcorn. The snack bar also sells VHS and DVD copies of older movies as well as two dollar posters as souvenirs from previous event weekends .
We went to bed about halfway through the second movie and I woke up to find about 10 other groups had spent the night. Most in ten we went to bed about halfway through the second movie and I woke up to find about 10 other groups had spent the night, several of them were in small tents.
Here are a few pictures from the place. First picture is when we first arrived about two hours before the start of the first movie. Second picture is 7 AM the following morning showing how many people spend the night. During the movie there were about 50 to 75 cars upfront.