mileshuff wrote:
What is the attraction for quartzite anyways? It is a road stop town in the middle of the desert. I pass thru it many times a year and have never understood why so many RV'ers stay there. In mid winter I know they do have a large swap meet and rock collector show. Otherwise a whole lot of nothing there!
...and that's when folks go January/February when the crowds are there and there's something to do. Also, many people meet up with specialized groups - friends, 4-wheeling groups, hiking groups, rock collectors, specific RV groups, etc. It's like class reunions. :) Once you walk through the swap meets there's no need to do them again so people just hang out with their own groups and do like things, have potlucks, sit around the campfire and generally, just be with like-minded people. We generally go and stay with our specific group until our tanks are full and our fresh water is gone. That's about 12 days. Then we're off to new surroundings.