Ok....good info guys! I like to know where I can get fuel in advance of a trip due to our height/size, so I almost always hit truck stops. Since we'll be going N-S down the entire Oregon coast in one day, can anyone provide some fuel locations that can accomodate 13'4" and 36' trailer? I'd like to avoid having to unhook, etc just to get fuel. It will be a long enough day as it is. Or are there enough that I don't need to worry about it?
Another question...anyone ever run 140 across southern Oregon to meet up with I-80 in Winnemucca Nevada? That looks alot shorter than dropping down south to Reno on I-5/CA 89/CA 44/US 395 and then coming back north on I-80.
Gary - gonna hafta hit that spot near the base some other time...but we will be very close (Harris Beach), so could maybe drive over some afternoon. Is the attraction fighter jet take offs and landings or ships? Sounds like the latter since its USCG??