BarbaraOK wrote:
And where did you get your Ph.D. in virology?
I don't have a Ph.D. in anything, but I can read. I've read a lot about Ebola (over the years before this outbreak and since the current outbreak), because I find it fascinating that something so tiny can kill so effectively and we have no way to stop it. I also am a former student of Biology and know that all types of environmental factors can cause mutations in plants, animals and viruses. This country is full of all sorts of things that can cause mutations. It's not out of the realm of possibility that Ebola could encounter a pollutant of some type that could make it aerosolized (become airborne).
BarbaraOK wrote:
Do you have ANY idea about the type of virus this is and the fact that not viruses act alike.
Actually yes, I do know what type of virus Ebola is; it is a type of Hemorraghic Fever. It is a fever, sometimes high that can cause your body to hemorrhage blood, often from eyes, ears, nose and other orifices. It is not a pleasant virus.
The fact that not all viruses act alike makes them unpredictable. Just because up until now the virus is only contagious when a person shows symptoms doesn't mean that will always be the case. Did I mention that the Texas victim from Liberia vomited before he was put into the ambulance? What happens when the virus encounters an oil stain on the street or some other pollutant?
Have you ever heard of MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)? The R stands for resistant because it is a staph infection that over time became resistant to antibiotics through mutations.
BarbaraOK wrote:
If you want something to worry about, how about the THOUSANDS of people who will die of the flu this year because they didn't get a flu vaccination.
Actually, no I don't worry about those people because they made a choice not to get a flu vaccine. They had the option to get a flu vaccine and did not. If they get the flu and die, that's tragic, however it was avoidable. By the way, almost 4,000 people that we know of have died so far from this Ebola outbreak.
There is a difference between someone passing away because they got the flu when they could have had a flu vaccine versus Ebola entering this country when the US Government should not have approved this man a Visa because of his background (no job, no home, had family already in the US) and because he intentionally lied on his exit paper work when he left Liberia. He flew from Liberia to Dulles International then to Dallas/Fort Worth. If I was on one of those flights, I'd be worried.