I interrupt this thread with breaking news....
Severe Weather Warning Sawtooth Mountains
131 PM MDT Mon Jul 27 2015
An unseasonably strong Pacific trough was working through the
region today with colder temperatures expected to follow tonight
and Tuesday night. Freezing or near freezing conditions are
possible in many Mountain Valley locations tonight and again
Tuesday night in the wake of this passing storm system.
Individuals who have plants... pets or livestock that are sensitive
to freezing temperatures should take precautions to protect them
during the next two nights.
Upper Snake River Plain Severe Watches & Warnings
131 PM MDT Mon Jul 27 2015
An unseasonably strong Pacific trough was working through the
region today with colder temperatures expected to follow tonight
and Tuesday night. Overnight lows may tumble into the upper 30s
producing localized frost conditions in some outlying areas of the
Snake River Plain and Preston area. Individuals who have
plants... pets or livestock that are sensitive to frost may want to take precautions to protect them during the next two nights.
Guess that makes me a 'weatherman' ....or at least as good as the ones on TV