LenSatic wrote:
Sorry, Phil, but he has as much right to live on his land as you do on yours. If a Chumash indian knocked on your door and said that you are on his land, would you just up and leave? Are you a "squatter"?
We are blessed to live on a beautiful 3+ acres in green mountains with a fantastic view out large windows. However ... IMHO I have no right to live on my land if the Native Americans once did and got kicked off against their will milleniums ago by ranchers, miners, soldiers, etc.. Lucky for me, they probably would have not wanted our piece of land - not much water, no pond, and soil a bit too rocky to raise much on except for redwood trees - so they probably are all right with me living on it in these modern times.
The fellow in question has even accrued a large unpaid bill for graising on our land (or maybe technically the ancient Indians' land). This is money owed to us taxpayers and there is no excuse for him dead-beating on his payment responsibility while continueing to leave his cattle on it. I pay all my taxes every year as I accrue them and so should he ... and not to his county either ... but to the current owners of the land - which is all citizens in every county of the U.S..
What do terrorists "look like"? I can't tell anymore.
By the way and FWIW, I see a running river in that photo above ... which our Native American friends usually really loved to camp near while raising their families - before they got run off.
All of the above is In-My-Non-Indian-Opinion, of course. ;)