I believe we (still) live in a democracy - regardless of what we see on CNN nightly. If the BLM is mistreating a citizen ... the last time I checked we have avenues for dealing with it outside civil disobedience.
So ... does the guy have a deed on file or buried under a rock somewhere saying it's "his land" ... or is he upset that he can no longer graze his cattle on what is now established BLM ("our") land? What is his point in light of him not paying grazing fees for quite some time?
It seems black and white to me ... either it is, or isn't, his land legally OR his cattle can no longer graze due to owing back grazing fees. If not, he has to pay grazing fees. What on Earth is the big controversy anyway. My bet is that the BLM is legally on solid ground and they're in fact not "confiscating" land deeded to a private citizen.
"Millennium" was of course an exaggeration on my part ... but I'm sure you get the point on what we did to the natives that had been living on North American land long before we arrived. If anyone does, they have "rights" to land way ahead of any ranching family ... so why does this guy think his family/relatives using the land since the 1800's automatically gives him some kind of holdings on the land?
I don't know the whole story ... but I suspect that it could be just another example of us independent spoiled-brat pampered and privileged fat cat Americans shaking our fist(s) in defiance of anyone telling us something we don't like that is impacting us chasing the almighty dollar any way we want.
All of the above is, of course, IMHO. :W