bucky wrote:
Pnichols, you misunderstood my comment completely. I was defending the programs and pointing out to Naio that we weren't leeches on the system.
Naio wrote:
Thank you, bucky.
Yes, I was spoofing people on this forum who rail against 'socialism' but happily make use of medicare and social security. Those are socialist programs, and they work great. I think they should be expanded, not eliminated.
I could be wrong, but my understanding is that, due to inflation, almost every family collects MORE from those programs than they pay in. They are not savings accounts, although some unethical politicians will portray them that way to get around the unpalatability of socialism.
Naio wrote:
Phil, I thought you knew me better than that!
Bucky and Naio ... yes I did indeed misunderstand both of you ... sorry!
I probably misunderstood due to some bias I carry that it would be best that I get rid of: I'm really s*ck and t*red of (younger?) people on these forums who bad-mouth the "benefits" that they see seniors "getting for free" in the U.S.. What's wrong with folks who pay their dues for decades eventually reaping the rewards from being fully paid members of the club? After all, the younger folks just might wind up older some day and thank their lucky stars for certain senior club rewards.
Here's some rant examples of what would be some great club benefits for long term members:
1. How about a reasonably priced rest-of-lifetime national fishing license for seniors?
2. How about state park camping rate discounts across the nation as generous as the existing federal lands camping rate discounts? (CA gives only 10% ... big deal)
3. How about the federal lands camping rate discount staying close to what it is and in fact not going through the roof like some talk I've read about?
4. How about nationwide fuel discounts for seniors whenever refilling their RVs (not their other vehicles, however)?
5. How about some (automatic-not earned) respect for slow driving seniors by certain fast driving folks who pass us on the highways? (...oops ... I could have left that one out)
Rant over - that's what happens when I skip my daily cup of java. ;)
P.S. Naio - what ever happened to that EX650 you tried out?